Detection & Measurement System News

Environmental Compliance in Wastewater Applications

Environmental Compliance in Wastewater Applications

Do you know the three key ways to prevent wastewater breakthroughs that cause contamination and pollution causing fines?

  1. pH - Monitoring pH is critical. Very low pH liquids can damage parts of the treatment system and potentially kill the good bacteria in the clarifier. Knowing in advance that low pH liquid is entering the process allows the operators to divert influent to protect the system. Because the SE 555 pH electrode is designed for difficult industrial processes, it is a good choice for service where the pH can vary significantly and quick response time,
    along with long service life, are required.
  2. ORP - Measuring ORP in the clarifier is an excellent method of understanding if the system is in balance, allowing the "bugs" to respire efficiently. Keeping the ORP electrode submerged about 1⁄4 the total depth of the clarifier provides the best indication of the system health. The SE 565 ORP electrode uses the same robust design as our SE555 electrode which allows it to operate in very difficult applications.
  3. Oxygen - Knowing if aerobic microorganisms are getting enough oxygen to convert organic waste into inorganic compounds and reproduce is critical to operations. Accurate dissolved oxygen monitoring readings are important. The SE 715 digital dissolved oxygen sensor is ideal for submersible service.

By monitoring these 3 factors in your wastewater system, you will run more efficiently and avoid fines related to environmental pollution. To read more download M4 Knick's Application Solutions Magazine.

Contact DMS to learn more about each of these processes, tools and techniques. Use the live chat on the bottom right of this page, or complete our Contact Us form anytime you want us to come on site or answer a troubleshooting question.

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