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Thursday, 05 March 2020 17:41 Written by

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Servomex Application Magazines

4 ser 320 power magazine 2018 aw web 1 Page 01

Clean Air Solutions - April 2021

  • Change Is In The Air
  • Reducing Emissions Through Effective Combustion Control
  • Solutions for Combustion Control
  • Gas Cleaning To Mitigate Emissions
  • Solutions For Gas Cleaning Processes
  • Monitoring Emissions From Flue Gases
  • Solutions For Continuous Emissions Monitoring

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6 A Servomex Industrial Process Emissions IPE Magazine Iss1 Page 01

Industrial Process & Emissions - June 2020

  • Combustion Analysis
  • Combustion Measurement
  • Spotlight on: SERVOTOUGH FluegasExact 2700
  • Thermal Coal Power Generation
  • NOx Emissions
  • Emissions Control
  • Gas Analyzers

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4 ser 320 power magazine 2018 aw web 1 Page 01

Integrated Systems Solutions - May 2020

  • The systems build process from start to finish
  • Scalable solutions, such as panels to analyzer houses
  • Who the experts are in Servomex's global systems team

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5 ser 323 hp magazine issue 4 v10 webready 1 Page 01

Hydrocarbon Processing - 2019

  • HP Market Focus
  • Market Solutions
  • Application Study
  • Upgrade Your Multi-Gas Analysis
  • Expert Focus
  • Benchmark-Level Flare Stack Analysis
  • Service Focus

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4 ser 320 power magazine 2018 aw web 1 Page 01

Power Generation - 2018

  • Market Focus
  • Application Study
  • Expert Focus
  • Process Study
  • Service Focus

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3 ser 274 hp magazine issue 3 aw webready 1 Page 01

Hydrocarbon Processing - 2018

  • HP Market Focus
  • Market Solutions
  • Application Study
  • Upgrade Your Combustion Analysis
  • Expert Focus
  • Process Study
  • Service Focus

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2 ser 195 power magazine 2017 v3 Page 01

Power Generation - 2017

  • Power Market Focus
  • Reliable Emissions Measurement Solutions
  • Combustion Control in Coal and Gas Boilers
  • Keep Your Analyzer Up and Running
  • Benefits of Combined Cycle Power Plants
  • Using the Laser 3 Plus in Ammonia Slip

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1 ser 175 hp magazine sep web aw 1 Page 01

Hydrocarbon Processing - 2017

  • HP Market Focus
  • Market Solutions
  • Application Study
  • Expert Focus
  • Upgrading to the Oxy
  • Gasification Applications
  • Service Focus

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7 hp magazine 2017 spreads webaw Page 01

Hydrocarbon Processing - 2017

  • HP Market Focus
  • Global HP Sector Trends for 2017
  • Small Footprint-Big Step Forward
  • Meeting the New Mact Regulations
  • A Full Analyzer Solution For PTA Plant
  • Combustion in Ethylene Process Study
  • Extracting the Benefits of Remote Mounting
  • Service Focus

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8 power magazine 2017 web spreads Page 01

Power Generation - 2017

  • Power Market Focus
  • Global Power Sector Trends For 2017
  • Small Footprint-Big Step Forward
  • Benefits of Controlling Ammonion (NH3) Slip
  • A Safe Choice For Industry
  • Thermal Power Process Study
  • Extracting the Benefits of Remote Mounting
  • Service Focus

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6 A Servomex Industrial Process Emissions IPE Magazine Iss1 Page 01

Industrial Process & Emissions - Issue #1

  • Market Focus
  • Application Study
  • Upgrade to the Highest Standard
  • Reliable Combustion Control
  • Success Story
  • Process Study
  • Service Focus

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Expert Papers

4 ser 320 power magazine 2018 aw web 1 Page 01

A Comparison Of Gas Analysis Technologies Available For efficient And Safe Combustion In Control Fired Heaters

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4 ser 320 power magazine 2018 aw web 1 Page 01

Servomex Combustion Control & Emissions Monitoring

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DMS is in the safety business. We work in industries that are known to be dangerous, and without attention to safety precautions, lives are at stake.

The worst kind of hazard is one where there's no awareness of the potential hazard. This Tip from the Field is that story. Fortunately, it had a good outcome.

Co-owner and Vice President of DMS, Ray Peacoe, was asked to come onsite to help troubleshoot a problem calibrating a gas detector. Here's Ray's story of what happened next...

Based on the knowledge and expertise that I had, I quickly determined that their detector was configured to detect a very different gas than than what they were trying to calibrate with.

The fact that they were having trouble probably was a good thing. Had they calibrated it successfully--or had I been able to successfully calibrate it--it would have left them in a very dangerous position. The detector would not have responded properly to the hazard gas.

So we we did a little bit of investigation with the customer to determine what the actual gas hazard was. Then we configured the detector properly; calibrated it properly; and, in the end, left there with the great satisfaction that that we had made an impact by making that workplace much, much safer than it would have been.

Because had they calibrated their detector with the easier-to-detect gas, it would have left them with a detector that would never have detected the harder-to-detect combustible gas, creating a very dangerous situation for the customer.

Would you like a second pair of eyes on your critical calibrations? Use our Live Chat (bottom right of this page) or ask a question on our Contact Us page.